Further Information
Our overriding objective is to provide a safe, secure and happy environment at all our sites; so we make no compromise when it comes to securing your child’s safety whilst they are in our care. We set extremely high standards in childcare with children being supervised at all times by caring, experienced and fully trained staff. So you can feel totally confident when your child is with us, we operate the most stringent access policy, and ensure that only nominated people will be allowed to collect your child.
In addition, our staff monitor all arrivals and departures from the nursery, with any authorised visitors being asked to report to reception before being allowed entry.
Health and safety provision is also of prime importance, and as such we implement continuous, comprehensive training and strict operational systems to create a safe, secure and protective environment for all our children.
If you would like to find out more about our Health & Safety and Security arrangements then please contact us and we will be happy to go through these with you in greater detail.
All of the activities provided in our nursery are designed to ensure that all children are provided with high quality learning experiences within a stimulating, safe and fun environment.
A wide variety of equipment and resources is available for use by the children across a range of provision.
Planning for children’s learning is developed and assessed using the guidance, practice and principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS).
We consider that it is equally important that activities also embrace parental knowledge and understanding of their children, alongside a key person’s knowledge of each individual child’s development and interests; so we plan to deliver the knowledge and skills children need through the things we know they enjoy doing.
All activities are carefully considered on a weekly basis, with children’s learning and development reflected on daily to ensure each child’s developmental needs and interests are fully met; enabling children to participate and develop at their own pace.
The atmosphere is relaxed, happy and fun.
Our Little Stars Nursery provides a wide range of learning and discovery opportunities to help all the children in our care reach their full potential, whatever their age.
Further details can be accessed in the Nursery Operational Plans available in the nursery.
In response to parent feedback, we introduced polo shirts and jumper or cardigans for all our over 2 year olds from September 2021. These are available to purchase from Abbey Street in Accrington however are strictly optional.
Green Polo shirts £6.99 Grey Jumpers £8.99 Grey Cardigans £9.99
Please note however that whether you decide to purchase a nursery uniform or not, please be advised that children may get messy whilst learning with us so please do not send them in any designer or special clothes. We always do take the very best of care, and encourage all children to do the same – however not everything comes out in the wash!
Our nursery meals are prepared daily on site by our skilled and experienced nursery cook using a small selection fresh produce and herbs grown from our allotment as well as foods supplied by local providers.
We cater for all dietary requirements and allergies through our seasonal and vegetarian menu which adheres to all portion guidance and ensure all food groups are offered
Meal times are a social occasion. Staff sit down with the children to ensure meal times are a calm experience and not rushed, conversation is encouraged, children help to set the tables and to clean up and the children are welcomed to share feedback on the dishes served and talk excitedly about what may be served tomorrow.
Our nursery food policy is available upon request along with other pertinent policies. Please ask the nursery manager for more information.